Thursday, May 31, 2012

Számítógépes lovagok

Vállvonogatós jövőkép: fordítsuk ki egy kicsit Éjfél Kapitány szavait a multik hi-tech alkalmazottairól, s a helyi pláza walkie-talkieval felszerelt gondnokait is cyberpunknak kiálthatjuk ki. Evening cleaner beosztásban azonban küldetéseiket nem rivális cégek alkalmazottai, hanem ördögi mozgólépcsők veszélyeztetik.

A napokban volt szerencsém látni, mit művelhet valaki alsó lábszárával egy ilyen szerkezet. Az örökmozgó, fáradhatatlan recék (Miért, és mivégre kísérted sorsod, ember? Hiszen pauseon pózolva sem tart olyan sokáig végigápolni azt a rohadt üveglapot!) szó szerint csontig hatolnak, s - ezt szakmai titokként súgták meg nekem - a lépcsőfokok soha nem annyira tiszták, hogy a szétszabdalt hús egy csinos fertőzés nélkül ússza meg a dolgot. Hiába váltunk immunissá a médiában kitárulkozó nagyfelbontású gore-ra, élőben látni ilyesmit bizony felszisszentős élmény.

Statisztikai szempontból nem igaz a divatos, természetbarát online mondás, mely szeint a csokoládé- és üdítősautomaták évente több embert ölnek meg a cápáknál. Én azonban óva intenék most minden kedves olvasót. Teljesen mindegy, hogy a nyílt tengeren vagy a szomszéd utca bevásárló központjában jársz, csupa hétköznapi tárgy között: fő az óvatosság. Járj nyitott szemmel és vigyázz magadra jól!

Most pedig az árnyalva beharangozott Tankcsapda nóta helyett egy kis EBM trash, csak hogy szép kereken záruljon a poszt. (Escalator means "mozgólépcső" in Hungarian! - Cpt. Obvious) Fájdalomcsillapítónak nem a legjobb, viszont a rekeszizmokat kellően megdolgoztatjuk. Egy-két-há és!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

And Blow the Candles Out, Whoah

Today on Offspring Weekly:

Exclusive: DGB's cover is here! It's been leaked out in 64 pieces through twitter, Facebook and the official forums, where fans put the picture together as sort of a puzzle game. You know, the kind that thoughts you patience.

A tad clichéd, but a very-very neato cover, I gotta say. All it needs now is a creepy Slender Man figure in the background.

Early review: A Spanish site had the opportunity to hear the full record. According to their twitter we can expect one more crap special song like Cruising California, otherwise it's mostly good old Offspring material. They found it to be slightly better than Splinter (which is IMO a vastly underrated album even among fans) and RAFRAG (which was half good, half meh). Huge thanks to Castormut from the boards for translating it.

Video: Ignition show at Alex's Bar!

You see, their second (and my second favorite) album, Ignition had turned 20 years old, and they are celebrating it with a series of special shows. Held in relatively small clubs, the setlist mostly contains songs from that record - some of which they've never played live previously. I'd love to see one of these gigs, but for now videos like this have to do it. Even watching it like that, Forever And A Day sent a chill down on my spine.

Seems like every fan or has-been fan cries for a Smash Part 2. My bravest dream would be a new Ignition. But you know what they've been singin' since 2005: Those days are gun and we can never get them back.

Well. A re-recorded Dirty Magic is something, isn't it? Come on, late June (and pirate rippers of early June), hurry up.

You're Gonna Need a Bigger Screen

Szóval néhány UK mozi oldalán mostanság ilyeneket lehet olvasni:

Jaws back on the big screen. Coming soon - register for a ticket alert.
Running time:120mins.
Due to be released: 15/06/2012
Friday 15th June
Mi is a véleményem erről a filmről? => Klikk. Nem túlreagálván, abszolút izgalommentesen fogadva eme tényleg fantasztikus re-release hírét (Jurassic Park? mehh! Titanic 3D? pihha! Episode I? pfijj!), most csak annyit írnék:


Good Ol' Life, Fate, God Or Whatever, don't you dare screw this up for me.

Don't you fucking dare.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Music You Will Never Own: 'Return of the Killer Tomatoes!' (1988) Original Soundtrack

The theme song still remains the same, the plot itself has hardly changed, we hear during the opening credits, but nevertheless, the second installment in John De Bello's campy Killer Tomatoes quadrilogy (yup, there's four movies and even a cartoon show) is arguably a huge improvement over the original, usually the most beloved among tomato fans, partly thanks to the awesome soundtrack.

And yes, this is the one starring George Clooney. Among others.

There's many catchy little tracks besides the updated to the '80s theme song (you can find the full list on IMDb), right now I'll mention only two favorites of mine.

1; Big Breasted Girls Go To The Beach And Take Their Tops Off

Like poetry in motion, like a perfect wave / Gonna ride with the wind and spend the money I saved, you gotta love a song with lyrics like that. Featured in the fake sexploitation opening, reprised during the end credits as Big Breasted Tomatoes.

I wish Dexter and co. had ripped off parodied something similar instead of Katy Perry. Pseudo-dumb feelgood beach tunes hardly get any better than this one.

2; Tomatoes K, or the detective tune

Calling it that because of the obvious influence of Axel F, the Beverley Hills Cop theme. Here's two scenes featuring this synthpop germ, among Clooney, Steve Lindquist, John Astin, and last but not least, Anthony Starke. Man, I love that guy.

I could listen to that song for hours while stalking people, running around in gardens, or riding some expensive Honda quad. And drinking Pepsi, of course. This music is basically the essence of '80s pop culture, in it's brightest, cheesiest, very best form. Just like the movie itself.

But if this film does well, you see / we're sure you know predictably / it won't be long... until Part Three! Sadly, it didn't do well. Return of the Killer Tomatoes! was a huge, undeserved flop and - Neal Fox, one of the composers has confirmed this - a soundtrack release was out of question.

Some years ago I came across a Big Breasted Girls fan cover, which could still be floating around on the web, but there's no way I could track it down with this restricted library connection. It's a pity, really.

Maybe Someday soon if I keep prayin' a bootleg will turn up. If You, Dear Reader have any information about such an outrageous copyright-rape, please don't hesitate to inform me about it. A lot of us would appreciate it.

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A trendnek megfelelően oldalt badasszül, gondosan lenullázott haj, fejtetőn és hátul pedig könyörtelenül konformista mohawk, amit már-már művészi módon tesz közröhej tárgyává a tízpennys méretével bíró kopaszfolt, mikor kigyúrt, kellően magas emberünk a mozgólépcső előnytelenebb szakaszán kénytelen ácsorogni.

Valaha szokás volt mondani, hogy a tárgyaknak lelkük van. Ezzel a klisével több okból nem értek egyet, azonban reális megfigyelés, hogy az univerzum teljesen tudatlan ojjektumai, okai és okozatai látszólag antropomorf módon lelnek valamiféle senki által nem érzett örömet tudatos lények trollolásában. Csúnya szó, napjainkra azonban a magyar köznyelv sokat koptatott darabja, magyarázni nem sokat kell hát rajt', nagylevegő és terítem a példákat.

A hetykén nedves albán szellő, mely katasztrófa szívnek, léleknek, kedvnek s ruházatnak egyaránt, a ragacsos madárürülék, amely tökéletesre hangolt sebesség-röppálya koordinációval csapódik a fejed búbjára, a UK toplista aktuális állása, ami miatt a szokásosnál is jobban kell röhögnöd Justinon meg azon a másik srácon, Janet Jackson Super Bowlos napkorong piercingje, nem tudom, erre a traumára emlékszik-e még valaki... mind-mind olyan események, erők, véletlenek, egyszóval dolgok, amelyek valaki más kárára működve humorizálnak egy elvileg az emberi esztétikán túlmutató világ szabályai szerint, mégis vérlázítóan ízléstelenül, ha az áldozat POV-jába fecskendezed elméd egy cseppjét.

Nonhumán trollok? Ennél jobb elnevezést érdemelne a jelenség. Kár, hogy a gimi talán legmaradandóbb hatása rajtam egy visszavonhatatlan lingvisztika-undor kialakítása volt. Talán valaki más egy szép napon kiötöl-hatol valami frappánsat.

Britney Spring

Damn it, seems like Europe got Cruising California as the first single instead of Days Go By. Here's what Dex has to say about the song:
When asked about the track “Cruising California (Bumpin’ In My Truck),” featured on The Offspring’s upcoming album Days Go By, Dexter Holland and Noodles broke up in laughter. They must have known the song title would get some chuckles. KROQ morning show host Bean was happy to deliver the question, “Did you run into Snoop Dogg at the medical marijuana store? How did that title happen?”

Dexter, the band’s frontman, was more than happy to offer some insight into the fun rap-laden track, “For whatever reason I felt kinda serious writing this record… there was a lot of serious songs and when we got close to the end I felt like I wanted to have a few kinda fun songs on it too because that’s both sides of who we are as a band. That song was really about where I live. I live in Huntington Beach and I’ve never written a song about what it’s like to go down on an average summer day in my home town.”

When asked if this was their Ice Cube “It Was A Good Day,” the duo laughed and responded, “Yeah, I guess it is… The white guy nerd version.” Via kroq
Hey, in case it really is a sole accident, an epic train crash of a joke, it's all good. But fans still have the right to feel disappointed, I think.

Joke songs on the previous records were different. They had the a rocking edge, lyrics actually mocking the subject, and that kind of trademark Offspring sound of good hooks and sarcastic voice, even Pretty Fly or Why Don't You Get a Job did. CC sounds such a lazy attempt compared to them. Man, I even like When You're In Prison, but let's face it, crap on purpose always was, and always will be crap.

Seems like their new album will be their most experimenting, diverse and daring stuff since... well, the last one. Not sure, what to think as of now. We just have to wait and listen.