Monday, February 4, 2013


Rewatched Prometheus the other day. Like most Ridley movies, it was a good deal more enjoyable the second time around and - did you notice how friggin' ripped Noomi Rapace looks in it? Among all the Giger-esque body horror it's not hard to overlook the great deal of physical training that woman went through for the role, but if you stop and look for a moment, or maybe compare Dr. Shaw with the original Lisbeth Salander, whoa.

Weyland Corporation - Building Better Muscles

It's kind of funny how hard they try putting Charlize Theron into this powerful, dominating, basically bully character, while it's pretty clear that Noomi could take Her Skinniness out without much effort. Still, both of them could kick my ass, if it came to that, and realizing this I felt compelled to buy a pair of dumbbels and start working out properly, or at least the way I did back then, during those brighter days.

So dear Prometheus crew, thanks a lot for inspiring me, and be blessed by His Bald Retocnness' holy touch or whatever. I'm off to drink some diet black goo.


  1. The aesthetically muscular women are fucking hot!
    Anyway, my JeW friend will write a good workout plan for me. You know, god knows when I'll have enough money and time to go Aikido training in England, so I'll have to maintain myself, at least my physical condition.
    So, if you like, I can give it to you, if it will be ready.
    It's a type of calisthenics trainig, so you don't need any weights.

    1. Sounds great, although I'm not sure if calisthenics would be the best choice for me right now, it depends on how much bulk does it build on your body. Mostly I'd like to get muscles on arms and chest (thus eliminating my man boobs), maybe on abdomen, other than that, something thinning would be good.

      But I WOULD appreciate it a lot if you shared his plan with me, I'm sure there would be some useful exorcises to work on my endurance, if nothing else.

    2. Theoretically, it's also good to build muscles, the only difference is, that you have to do this very-very slowly. Every move as slow as you can.
      Of course it steals your stamina like hell. :D
