Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weapon of Choice

Yay, hurray, it's election day! Should I explain what this means? Time has come to make a stand, choosing sides and deciding about the future of our beloved country. Again.

You know, for the last eight years we had the carnation-guys leading us, the party that constantly screws up things big time, in a lot of different ways - they were forced to change their prime minister two times during this eight years for this reason. (God, I want to live long enough to see the 'Őszöd Speech getting published in our history books, just for the joke of it.) With all respect to my left-handed friends, if Hungary gives a third chance to these guys, I'm going to laugh half a day long and try to kill myself with Diet Coke overdose.

Best way to die. Period.

Well, besides the carnation fraction, we can choose the orange-guys, heroes of our parents and probably the favorites of Alex DeLarge as well. Gosh, I love them. Mentioning the name of this party always reminds me the good old mid-'90s when I was a kid and life was pretty simple. Yes, they own the Granny-sympathy factor and could use nostalgia as weapon, but that's not enough. And come on, what did they exactly said to me in their public announcements besides how big of a junkyard "Fucking Country" Feri has collected in the last few years?

Few years and a few more. Eight, man. Eight years ago on election day I was listening to Conspiracy of One, the worst Offspring album so far. But I still loved it, and still love it nevertheless. Living in Chaos is my ring tone right now. Eight years have passed.

But whatever, here comes the best part: the national-radical guys. Wild teenagers dressed in leather and Hungarian flags love them, the rest usually burst into laughs or tears of fear whenever their name is spoken. They promise great things, if half of them was going to be accomplished, our land would become a better place already. But there's an awful truth about this world, a cliché that even I don't mind to quote: What seems too good to be true is usually not true. Sorry, guys. I don't have faith in you.

I don't think I'll take a step out of this house today. Right now I'm going to watch Christopher Walken dancing, then the latest Doctor Who episode, and finally, I'm going to take a nap right before they announce the so-called winners. Cowardly life, without any responsibility. It's always fun to wake up in a new world.


  1. The silence of campaign is still on, so I can live in peace now.

    I watched Willow on Film+. It was a still amazing fantasy film.

  2. I watched the MM Power Rangers movie this morning because I've discovered a huge - non-sexual, mainly nostalgic - love for Bulk and Skull in me lately. I was able to sit it through, but when my mom invited me to watch the Garfield movie with her, I said that would have been too much for me today.

  3. Does your vote really matter? Does it really count in the long run? Does it matter or count at all? No, I don't think it does. Anyone who claims that their vote is important is fucking stupid and doesn't understand the way this country works. The "winners" are determined long before any campaign or speech or anything really. Those who are truly in charge, the ones you rarely or never hear about decided it for you long ago.

    Besides. Even if your vote would matter by some miracle... would you truly feel comfortable with the party you voted for? They're all the same it doesn't which asshole you elect because they don't care. All they worry about is getting more money no matter the cost, no matter how many people they have to step through to get it. This fucking country could fuck it self for all they care.

    So not leaving the house was the wisest choice. At least you wasted less effort and time by watching Mr. Walken dance.

    Also, Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace is the worst Offspring album as of now. At least I think so.

  4. @The Fuck You Man:
    You're right, but it's still funny to go vote with the family :-)

  5. On the other hand, your orange-fanatic mom could be pretty angry with you when you tell her you're not going to vote. Our parents' generation thinks in a strange way. I find it kinda pathetic, the way they choose what's important in this life/society to them. And sometimes it scares me.

    RAFRAG is close second when it comes to the worst Offspring album, mainly because the second half follows the same pop-shit pattern that made CO1 so ("want you) bad("). But the epicness of the first few songs and the bonus track on the Japanese edition (a Zebrahead cover called "O.C. Life") save it. Just my two cents, of course.

  6. I knew that The Fuck You Mom and that step-titan were cool, but man, this is something even from your folks. Consider yourself lucky.

    (Too bad your other relatives are in business, if I got that right a few weeks ago. It was nice meeting them, though.)
